Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 5 - Play Week

# 12 Roll your own search engine with Rollyo.

Amazing! How exciting as a new mum, to be able to search my favourite kids information sites all in one spot! I created a search which enables me to search across ask dr sears, betterhealth and the baby whisperer. Very convenient .. and imagine the other applications we could use it for: searching for book information, events, subjects all across various popular sites. Saves our digits from doing the hard yards over and over and over again!

# 11 All about Librarything.

Here is a link to my Librarything catalogue:


How cool. Now I can find other people who like the same books as me, discover books similar to what I like and check out what other people are reading! Also get to browse books by cover ... although what was that old saying ... never judge a book by its ....

# 10 - Online Image Generators: Here is a Warholized pic of some duckies!


Nice Guy said...

You are now an artist! has another set of over 5,000 image geneartors.

Donna said...

Yay Bella I love your blog you're doing well. hope you're having fun too!