Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week 7 - Wikis

# 17 Playing around with PBWiki

Yay Hoorah. I've added my post to Favourite tv shows. I'm a contributor to a wiki! It's a very nice easy way to share information and resources. Although I am still a bit concerned about the quality of the information input! It may sound authoritarian, but is it really. I agree with the comment that it is nice to look at the references attached to pages on wiki's such as wikipedia. Alot of times that will give you a nice site to go to, that makes you more comfortable as to the quality and accuracy of information on the site.

#16 So What's in a Wiki

I had a head start on this one, because I know a little about Wiki's. Not only do I use wikipedia all the time, but also Lostpedia, which is a wiki on LOST. (yes, I am a Lostie - sue me!).

Library wiki's are great. Collaborative efforts by libraries with regard to resources, issues and procedures. I am still uncertain sometimes of the authenticy of the information placed on wikis and I wonder if they are policed in any manner?

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

I also use Wikipedia. I find the links to other reference sources at the bottom of each artcile very useful.
